Am I becoming an introvert or is this change a grief manifestation? I used to be an off-the-charts extrovert on every assessment. I still really enjoy a party and being with people. However, now I really value my alone time and being in the quiet. This started during COVID when I enjoyed the slower pace and not having so many events. Now that I live alone and work from home, I feel I need it. I'm happy being with people but equally happy being alone. That's a good thing, but it is different. Just pondering if this is a permanent personality change or if it's part of my grief.
Exploring and accepting your emotions is an important part of grieving. I am thankful to have the wide spaces to process my feelings. Maybe that is why I value my time alone. Part of my grief is rediscovering who I am without Matt. Parts of me are the same, but living without your mate forces change in many areas. I am choosing to embrace these changes (though they were forced on me) and am grateful that I am content to spend large
amounts of time by myself. I find I'm good company.
